Reaching the People of Togo

Brandon and Kate Snook have been called to serve in the nation of Togo. The Snooks have an extensive background in medicine as well as inBible training; Togo is a nation that needs the Gospel. Brandon and Kate will be teaming up with the Association of Baptist for World Evangelism to help reach the people of Togo through one of the two Christian hospitals run by ABWE in Togo: Hospital of Hope in the North and Hospital Baptiste Biblique - HBB in the South. These hospitals function to help the suffering Togolese population’s  physical needs. Moreover, they exist as a platform to reach lost souls for Christ, plant indigenous, local, Bible-believing churches, and train the Togolese in medicine and surgery.


In March of 2017, the United Nations ranked Togo as one of the "unhappiest" countries on earth. Togo is one of the most densely populated African countries given its small size. According to a 2017 census, Togo has over 7.9 million people. Togo is also one of the poorest African nations, with rampant starvation, low life expectancy, high death rates, and high fetal and maternal death rates. At present, there are over 100,000 Togolese people diagnosed with HIV or AIDS, and it ranks 25 out of 156 countries for prevalence of HIV/AIDS. In addition, there are only four doctors for every 100,000 people. From a worldview, there is little hope for a "happy life" for people born in Togo. More importantly, the Togolese are dying--dying without a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Partner With Us

We believe that the Lord is leading us to serve in the Southern hospital, HBB. As medical personnel, we will be able to present the gospel to every patient, often for the first time. HBB has seen over 2,000 patients a year profess Jesus as Savior and has seen over 30 churches planted from the hospital ministry over 25 years! We desire to be part of this amazing movement centered on our Lord's Great Commission in the nation of Togo.